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Muudetud liikme TheBoss.'i poolt

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Author of the topic Postitas

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Author of the topic Postitas (muudetud)

WordGuard-is on kõik nii.


# WorldGuard's main configuration file
# This is the global configuration file. Anything placed into here will
# be applied to all worlds. However, each world has its own configuration
# file to allow you to replace most settings in here for that world only.
# About editing this file:
# - DO NOT USE TABS. You MUST use spaces or Bukkit will complain. If
#   you use an editor like Notepad++ (recommended for Windows users), you
#   must configure it to "replace tabs with spaces." In Notepad++, this can
#   be changed in Settings > Preferences > Language Menu.
# - Don't get rid of the indents. They are indented so some entries are
#   in categories (like "enforce-single-session" is in the "protection"
#   category.
# - If you want to check the format of this file before putting it
#   into WorldGuard, paste it into [url]http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/[/url]
#   and see if it gives "ERROR:".
# - Lines starting with # are comments and so they are ignored.

   use-scheduler: true
   use-creature-spawn-event: true
       use: false
       dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost/worldguard
       username: worldguard
       password: worldguard
   enable: true
   invincibility-removes-mobs: false
   explosion-flags-block-entity-damage: true
   high-frequency-flags: false
   wand: 334
   max-claim-volume: 30000
   claim-only-inside-existing-regions: false
       default: 7
auto-invincible: false
use-player-move-event: true
use-player-teleports: true
   deop-everyone-on-join: false
   block-in-game-op-command: false
host-keys: {}
summary-on-start: true
op-permissions: true
   item-durability: true
   remove-infinite-stacks: false
   disable-xp-orb-drops: false
   disable-obsidian-generators: false
   block-potions: []
   block-potions-overly-reliably: false
       enable: true
       radius: 3
       redstone: false
   pumpkin-scuba: false
   disable-health-regain: false
   no-physics-gravel: false
   no-physics-sand: false
   vine-like-rope-ladders: false
   allow-portal-anywhere: false
   disable-water-damage-blocks: []
   block-tnt: false
   block-tnt-block-damage: false
   block-lighter: false
   disable-lava-fire-spread: true
   disable-all-fire-spread: false
   disable-fire-spread-blocks: []
   lava-spread-blocks: []
   block-creeper-explosions: false
   block-creeper-block-damage: false
   block-wither-explosions: false
   block-wither-block-damage: false
   block-wither-skull-explosions: false
   block-wither-skull-block-damage: false
   block-enderdragon-block-damage: false
   block-enderdragon-portal-creation: false
   block-fireball-explosions: false
   block-fireball-block-damage: false
   anti-wolf-dumbness: false
   allow-tamed-spawns: true
   disable-enderman-griefing: false
   disable-snowman-trails: false
   block-painting-destroy: false
   block-item-frame-destroy: false
   block-plugin-spawning: true
   block-above-ground-slimes: false
   block-other-explosions: false
   block-zombie-door-destruction: false
   block-creature-spawn: []
   disable-fall-damage: false
   disable-lava-damage: false
   disable-fire-damage: false
   disable-lightning-damage: false
   disable-drowning-damage: false
   disable-suffocation-damage: false
   disable-contact-damage: false
   teleport-on-suffocation: false
   disable-void-damage: false
   teleport-on-void-falling: false
   disable-explosion-damage: false
   disable-mob-damage: false
   disable-death-messages: false
   enable: false
   disable-off-check: false
   disable-creature-trampling: false
   disable-player-trampling: false
   prevent-lightning-strike-blocks: []
   disable-lightning-strike-fire: false
   disable-thunderstorm: false
   disable-weather: false
   disable-pig-zombification: false
   disable-powered-creepers: false
   always-raining: false
   always-thundering: false
   disable-mushroom-spread: false
   disable-ice-melting: false
   disable-snow-melting: false
   disable-snow-formation: false
   disable-ice-formation: false
   disable-leaf-decay: false
   disable-grass-growth: false
   disable-mycelium-spread: false
   disable-vine-growth: false
   disable-soil-dehydration: false
   snow-fall-blocks: []
   use-as-whitelist: false
           enable: true
           enable: false
           dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
           user: root
           pass: ''
           table: blacklist_events
           enable: false
           path: worldguard/logs/%Y-%m-%d.log
           open-files: 10

Muudetud liikme hy8er'i poolt

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Külaline PlayFriik

Kontrolli ega sul mingi Modifyworld peal pole. Samuti võiksid lisada ka plugina nime, mida kaustad õiguste jagamiseks, kui kasutad PermissionsEX, siis anna permissions.yml.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Tänan abi eest, sain korda. :)

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Ehk lisad ka kommentaari kuidas probleemi lahendasid? :) Võibolla on tulevikus mõnel foorumikaaslasel taoline probleem ning uue teema loomise asemel leiab hoopis vajaliku informatsiooni koheselt näiteks siit teemast.

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kui ei saa ehitada lisa selline permission nagu essentials.build


Palun ära necroposti vanu teemasid. Probleem on juba lahendatud.

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